
本周末,费城将迎来“2024年费城马拉松赛(2024 Philadelphia Marathon)”,门票已经售罄。超过37,000名选手已经报名参加周六的半程马拉松和8公里赛事,以及周日的全程马拉松和儿童赛跑活动,预计参赛者数量将突破历史记录。

Benjamin Franklin大道的内车道(双向)将于周五上午9:30至下午2:45关闭。下午2:45,外向内车道将重新开放,以应对下午的繁忙时段。 此外,下午2:45,从22nd街到Logan Circle的parkway大道内车道将重新开放。晚高峰过后,从 Binswanger三角区到20th街的所有内车道(包括进出方向)将继续关闭。22nd街和21st街允许交叉通行。


周六凌晨2点至下午3点,Benjamin Franklin大道20街至25街路段、Kelly 大道以及市中心多条道路将因Dietz&Watson费城半程马拉松赛和Rothman Orthopaedics 8K赛而实施封路。周六之前,Benjamin Franklin大道和赛道沿线将张贴禁止停车的标志。周六,18th街和parkway大道附近以及Logan Circle域将禁止车辆通行,直到上午9点。

2000-2400 Benjamin Franklin Parkway (inner drives)
Spring Garden Street, from Pennsylvania Avenue to Benjamin Franklin Parkway
23rd Street, from Pennsylvania Avenue to Benjamin Franklin Parkway
22nd Street, from Winter Street to Park Towne Place (Local Access to Park Towne Place)
21st Street, from Pennsylvania Avenue to Winter Street

I-676 off-ramp at 22nd Street (westbound)
31st & Spring Garden Street (soft close)
凌晨3点,东向I-76高速公路@Spring Garden街(匝道顶部)禁止车辆进入市中心;

Columbus Boulevard, Callowhill Street to Walnut Street(仅南向)

17th Street, from Arch Street to Vine Street
18th Street, from Arch Street to Callowhill Street
19th Street, from Arch Street to Callowhill Street
20th Street, from Arch Street to Callowhill Street
21st Street, from Arch Street to Spring Garden Street
22nd Street, from Arch Street to Spring Garden Street
Benjamin Franklin Parkway, from 16th Street to 20th Street
Market Street, from 6th Street to 16th Street
Chestnut Street, from 5th Street to 8th Street
6th Street, from Market Street to Chestnut Street
5th Street, from Chestnut Street to Race Street
South Penn Square
Juniper Street, from Chestnut Street to Market Street
John F. Kennedy Boulevard, from Juniper Street to 17th Street
15th Street, from Race Street to Chestnut Street
16th Street, from Chestnut Street to Race Street
Race Street, from 6th Street to Columbus Boulevard
Columbus Boulevard (southbound lanes), from Callowhill Street to Washington Avenue
Southbound off-ramp, from I-95 at Washington Avenue
Washington Avenue, from Columbus Boulevard to Front Street
Front Street, from Washington Avenue to South Street
South Street, from Front Street to 7th Street
6th Street, from Bainbridge Street to Locust Street
Lombard Street, from 5th Street to Broad Street
13th Street, from Bainbridge Street to Chestnut Street
Walnut Street, from 12th Street to 34th Street
33rd Street, from Walnut Street to Spring Garden Street
34th Street, from Walnut Street to Girard Avenue
Spring Garden Street, from 32nd Street to 34th Street
Girard Avenue, 33rd Street to 38th Street
33rd Street, from Girard Avenue to Cecil B. Moore Avenue
Reservoir Drive, from 33rd Street to Diamond Drive
Mt. Pleasant Drive
Fountain Green Drive
Kelly Drive

Columbus Boulevard, Callowhill Street to Washington Avenue (南行)
Columbus Boulevard, Snyder Avenue to Callowhill Street(北行)

费城警方将在交通管制点为居民和企业提供临时通行。周六活动期间,费城艺术博物馆入口将开放,可经Spring Garden街(Spring Garden Street Bridge)前往。
驾车、骑行和步行者在比赛场附近可能面临延误,警方将视情况允许车辆通过。预计所有街道(除Eakins Oval外)将在周六下午2点前开放。
市中心和西费城的多数道路将提前开放。Eakins Oval预计下午5点前恢复通行。周日下午5点前,Benjamin Franklin Parkway内车道将关闭。

为了加强费城马拉松赛(AACR Philadelphia Marathon)的安全,从星期日凌晨2点开始,所有位于比赛路线上的车辆将被转移。

2000-2400 Benjamin Franklin Parkway (inner drives)
Spring Garden Street, from Pennsylvania Avenue to Benjamin Franklin Parkway
23rd Street, from Pennsylvania Avenue to Benjamin Franklin Parkway
22nd Street, from Winter Street to Park Towne Place (Local Access to Park Towne Place)
21st Street, from Pennsylvania Avenue to Winter Street
I-676 off-ramp at 22nd Street (西行)
31st & Spring Garden Street (soft close)
凌晨3点,东向I-76高速公路@Spring Garden街(匝道顶部)禁止车辆进入市中心;

Columbus Boulevard, CallowhilI Street to Walnut Street(仅南向)

17th Street, from Arch Street to Vine Street
18th Street, from Arch Street to Callowhill Street
19th Street, from Arch Street to Callowhill Street
20th Street, from Arch Street to Callowhill Street
21st Street, from Arch Street to Spring Garden Street
22nd Street, from Arch Street to Spring Garden Street
Benjamin Franklin Parkway, from 16th Street to 20th Street
Arch Street, between 3rd Street and 16th Street
4th Street, between Arch Street and Vine Streets
Race Street, from 6th Street to Columbus Boulevard
Columbus Boulevard (southbound lanes), from Callowhill Street to Washington Avenue
Southbound off-ramp, from I-95 at Washington Avenue
Washington Avenue, from Columbus Boulevard to Front Street
Front Street, from Washington Avenue to South Street
South Street, from Front Street to 7th Street
6th Street, from Bainbridge Street to Market Street
Chestnut Street, from 6th Street to 16th Street
15th Street from Chestnut Street to Walnut Street
Walnut Street from Broad Street to 34th Street
Chestnut Street, from 33rd Street to 34th Street
34th Street, from Walnut Street to Girard Avenue
Girard Avenue, 33rd Street to 38th Street
Lansdowne Drive, from Girard Avenue to South Concourse Drive
South Concourse Drive, from Lansdowne to West Memorial Hall Drive
East Memorial Hall Drive, from South Concourse to Avenue of the Republic
Avenue of the Republic, from East Memorial Hall Drive to Catholic Fountain
Belmont Avenue, Montgomery to Parkside Avenue
States Drive to Lansdowne Drive
Lansdowne Drive to Girard Avenue
Girard Avenue Bridge, from Lansdowne Drive to 33rd Street
33rd Street, from Girard Avenue to Reservoir Drive
Reservoir Drive, from 33rd Street to Edgley Drive
Edgley Drive, from Reservoir Drive to Fountain Green Drive
Fountain Green Drive, from Edgley Drive to Kelly Drive
Kelly Drive
The Falls Bridge
Ridge Avenue, from Schoolhouse Lane to Manayunk Avenue
Main Street, from Ridge Avenue to Conarroe Street

Columbus Boulevard, Callowhill Street to Washington Avenue (南行)
Columbus Boulevard, Snyder Avenue to Callowhill Street(北行)




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