2024 CHINA Town Hall I 中国议会厅

Part one: April 9, 2024 – CHINA Town Hall Webcast (virtual program)

CHINA Town Hall (CTH) is a two-part program that offers insights into the current U.S.-China relationship and examines its impact at the local level, spanning towns, states, and the nation. It connects Americans across the country with U.S. policymakers and thought leaders on China.

Since its inception in 2007, the National Committee has proudly collaborated with various institutions, civic groups, colleges and universities, trade and business associations, world affairs councils, and think tanks to host town hall events and bring this crucial national conversation to communities across America (and a few overseas).

The first part of the 2024 CHINA Town Hall program will be held on Tuesday, April 9, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. ET, featuring Dr. Kurt Campbell, Deputy Secretary of State, as the keynote speaker. Register/watch via the provided link.

For the second part,

we, ChineseinUS (CUS/美华社), are honored to collaborate with The National Committee on United States-China Relations as the local co-host. Details regarding the time, location, and format of the second part, where guests and attendees will discuss the national webcast featuring Dr. Kurt Campbell, will be announced soon,Local Facilitator: Yuebing Hong, the Founder/Owner of ChineseinUS.

If you missed our first part of the live broadcast, here’s the video replay. Please watch the dialogue between Stephen A. Orlins, Chairman of the NCUSCR, and Dr. Kurt Campbell, Deputy Secretary of State at the U.S. Department of State, to stay informed for the upcoming second part of the event.

For more information, please follow our official WeChat account or contact: contact@chineseinus.org.
Follow us on Twitter @ChineseinusOrg, Facebook @ChineseinusORG, LinkedIn @chineseinus, Instagram @chineseinusorg, WeChat 费城华人在美东(Chineseinus), and Weibo. Feel free to use #CTH2024 if you share this event on social media platforms.
This page will be periodically updated.

Program Partners

The National Committee on United States-China Relations (NCUSCR) is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering understanding and cooperation between China and the United States. Established in 1966, NCUSCR engages in various programs focusing on international relations, economic development, governance, and other global issues concerning mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. With a diverse membership of over 700 Americans and support from nearly 60 U.S.-chartered corporations and professional firms, NCUSCR promotes public education and facilitates face-to-face exchanges to enhance knowledge of China and U.S.-China relations. The organization operates independently and follows strict guidelines for the acceptance and use of external funding to maintain transparency and integrity in its mission.

ChineseinUS (CUS) headquartered in Philadelphia, is a Chinese-language media outlet specializing in reporting on community issues, civic engagement, policies, elections, and US -China relations. Founded during the 2020 Census, the founder established strong community connections, contributing significantly to making Chinese the third language on Pennsylvania ballots through the CUS media platform. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, CUS has established the only Chinese-language COVID-19 website in the Pennsylvania area, providing exclusive information. Collaborating with the Philadelphia city government and community non-profit organizations, CUS has facilitated the vaccination of community residents against COVID-19. Moreover, since 2020, CUS has become the most comprehensive media outlet covering elections in Pennsylvania, establishing partnerships with national-level Asia-Pacific organizations. In 2023, CUS expanded its coverage to include nationwide Chinese communities, involving various heavyweight departments such as the White House and the federal government, and hosted the inaugural Chinese community candidate meet-and-greet event in Philadelphia. Also in the same year, comprehensive coverage was provided on Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to the United States in San Francisco. As a media outlet with far-reaching influence on the people, business, politics, and Sino-US relations, CUS will continue to provide accurate and comprehensive reporting to the Chinese community and readers, promoting social progress and cultural exchange.

第一部分 2024年4月9日 – 中国议会厅网络直播(线上 须有网络及可观看视频的电子设备)

中国议会厅 CHINA Town Hall (CTH) 是一个由两部分组成的项目,提供了对当前中美关系的见解,并探讨其在地方层面(跨越城镇、州和国家)的影响。它将全国各地的美国人与美国政策制定者和中国问题思想领袖联系在一起。


2024年中国议会厅项目的第一部分将于4月9日星期二晚上6:30至7:30(美东时间)举行,特邀演讲嘉宾为美国国务院副国务卿库尔特·坎贝尔博士(Dr. Kurt Campbell)。请通过提供的链接注册/观看, 如需帮助可联系地方联系人洪躍冰 contact@chineseinus.org。


我们,ChineseinUS(CUS/美华社),非常荣幸与全国中美关系委员会合作,担任地方性合作伙伴。在第二部分活动中,我们将基于第一部分美国国务院副国务卿库尔特·坎贝尔博士(Dr. Kurt Campbell)的网络研讨会进行各种议题的延伸讨论,包括地方立法针对中国公民的影响、贸易战对当地企业和日常生活的影响、禁毒合作的前景、台湾选举对美中关系的影响以及以色列·巴勒斯坦冲突对中美关系的影响等。

如果您错过了我们第一部分的直播,以下是现场视频回放,敬请观看美中关系全国委员会主席斯蒂芬·A·奥林斯(Stephen A. Orlins)与美国国务院副国务卿库尔特·坎贝尔博士(Dr. Kurt Campbell)的对话,以便参加第二部分活动。

第二部分的具体时间、地点和形式将在稍后公布。如需了解更多信息,请联系当地活动联系人美华社创始人洪躍冰 contact@chineseinus.org, 微信:chineseinusorg。

欢迎各位与会者或机构在 Twitter @ChineseinusOrg, Facebook @ChineseinusORG, LinkedIn @chineseinus, Instagram @chineseinusorg, 微信 费城华人在美东(Chineseinus_org)或美华社(Chineseinus-org)和微博上关注我们。如果您在社交媒体平台上分享此活动,请使用 #CTH2024。



美中关系全国委员会(NCUSCR)是一家致力于促进中美两国之间理解与合作的美国非营利组织。该组织与美中贸易全国委员会(USCBC)合作,于2023年11月15日在旧金山共同举办了中国国家主席习近平与美国友好团体晚宴。2024年3月27日,习近平会见美国工商界和战略学术界代表,美中关系全国委员会(NCUSCR)是唯一一家有两位代表出席的组织。这两位代表分别是董事会主席埃文·格林伯格(Evan G. Greenberg)和主席斯蒂芬·A·奥林斯(Stephen A. Orlins)。NCUSCR在推动中美关系发展中扮演着重要角色,其参与和组织的重要活动展示了其在中美关系中的影响力。






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