
在废除《排华法案》80周年纪念大会(CRCEA80)上,美国国会夏威夷以外当选的第一位亚裔参议员塔米·达克沃思(Tammy Duckworth)与AALC邱超辉(Steve Hugh)主席进行了就纪念《排华法案》废除 80 周年活动上进行了对话,国会参议员塔米·达克沃思(Tammy Duckworth)强调了该法案对她本人和亚裔社区的意义。达克沃思参议员(Duckwort)以倡导亚裔美国人问题而闻名,她强调了承认历史不公正、促进多元化和鼓励亚裔美国人参政的重要性。


塔米·达克沃思(Tammy Duckworth)参议员强调了《排华法案》废除80周年的重要意义,称这是美国历史上针对华裔以及后来针对日裔美国人的黑暗篇章。她倡导美国成为一个平等的国家,在这个国家里,无论种族背景如何,每个人都能依法获得平等待遇。

此外,塔米·达克沃思(Tammy Duckworth)还赞扬了亚太夏裔对美国的成长和发展所做的贡献,指出他们的努力对塑造美国的身份不可或缺。

塔米·达克沃思(Tammy Duckworth)参议员在谈到年轻的亚裔美国人如何才能保留对《排华法案》和日本拘留营的记忆时,建议亚裔美国人积极参与政治活动,并倡导将亚裔美国人的历史纳入教育课程。

关于亚裔美国人的政治参与问题,塔米·达克沃思(Tammy Duckworth)强调需要在政府中有更多的代表。她指出自己是夏威夷以外当选的第一位亚裔参议员,并呼吁在各级政府中增加亚裔美国人的存在。

邱超辉在对话结束时表示塔米·达克沃思(Tammy Duckworth)参议员是有抱负的年轻亚裔政治家的榜样。

CRCEA80 Conference: Dialogue between US Senator Tammy Duckworth and AALC Chairman Steve Hugh

In a significant CRCEA80 dialogue, US Senator Tammy Duckworth, alongside Steve Hugh, commemorated the 80th anniversary of the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act, underscoring its relevance to her and the Asian American community. Known for her advocacy for Asian American issues, Senator Duckworth emphasized the importance of recognizing historical injustices, promoting diversity, and encouraging Asian American participation in politics.

Steve Hugh opened the conversation by acknowledging Senator Duckworth’s commitment to the Asian American community. As a senator with Chinese and Thai heritage, Duckworth has a deep understanding of the impact of the Chinese Exclusion Act on Asian Americans.

Senator Duckworth highlighted the significance of the 80th anniversary of the Act’s repeal, labeling it a dark chapter in American history that targeted Chinese and later Japanese Americans. She advocated for the United States to be a nation of equality, where individuals are treated equally under the law, regardless of ethnic background.

Additionally, Duckworth celebrated the contributions of Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Native Hawaiians to America’s growth and development, noting that their efforts have been integral to shaping the nation’s identity.

Addressing how young Asian Americans can preserve the memory of the Chinese Exclusion Act and Japanese internment camps, Senator Duckworth advised active political involvement and advocacy for the inclusion of Asian American history in educational curricula.

On the topic of Asian American political engagement, Duckworth stressed the need for more representation in government. She pointed out her distinction as the first Asian American senator elected outside of Hawaii and called for increased Asian American presence in all government levels.

Steve Hugh praised Senator Duckworth as a role model for aspiring young Asian American politicians.


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