Hunting Park大道隧道关闭

By SteveAllenPhoto999

街道专员Carlton Williams今天宣布,位于Kelly Dr和Indiana Ave(Ridge Ave下)之间的Hunting Park Ave隧道已经关闭,禁止所有车辆通行。该隧道将无限期关闭,直到对Hunting Park Ave上的Laurel Hill Cemetery桥进行维修。


Northbound Kelly Drive: 

  • Continue straight on Kelly Dr 
  • Turn Right on to Ferry Dr 
  • Turn Right onto Ridge Ave 
  • Turn Left onto Allegheny Ave 
  • Southbound Kelly Drive:
  • Turn Left onto Ferry Dr 
  • Turn Right onto Ridge Ave 
  • Turn Left onto Allegheny Ave
  • Eastbound Hunting Park Ave 
  • Stay in the Right Lane on Hunting Park Ave 
  • Turn Left onto Ridge Ave 
  • Turn Right onto 33rd St.



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